Guardian Traditions

As Guardians, we had quite a number of special traditions.  Some of them made the books, but most of them just didn't fit.  Still, they were special, and so we include some of them here.  

Guardian's Creed

The Guardians Creed was taken from the then brand new Navy Creed.  Reciting this Creed was part of our daily morning routine, and is something we took extrodinarily seriously.  We really tried our best to live by this Creed in all that we did.

The Creed

I am a Guardian. I will support and defend the Church and the Island, 

and I will obey the orders of my superiors.

I represent the fighting spirit of the Church and those who have gone before me 

to defend freedom and the tenants of our religion around the world.

I proudly serve my Guardian team with Honor, Courage, and Commitment.

It is my mission, with singular focus, to make my girls human again.

I am committed to excellence and the fair treatment of all.

Guardian's Oath

The Oath of Office was another tradition we took very seriously.  We would take this Oath three time.  The first time we would take it was inside Bunk 1, with only the other Guardians present.  The secons time we would take this Oath was at a special cerimony in the Staff Church, in front of the majority of the staff at a Staff Church service.  Taking this Oath was one of the few cerimonies that we would do in the small church on the Staff side of the Island, and that was a really big deal.  The third time we would take this Oath was at Parade, infront of the whole school.

The Oath

"I, [rank and name], having been appointed an officer in the Guardians, 

do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Church and Island   

against all who may oppose it, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; 

that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; 

and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; 

So help me God."

Hammering Home

As Guardians, we were officially allowed to participate in the hammering of the Eagle and Anchors crest ceremony at Mr. S's funeral, but the majority of girls followed suit, even if they didn't understand why.  This tradition was started by the Sergeants, it's descended from a show of respect given by Navy Seals to a fallen Brother.  We still practice this any time a girl from The Island dies, though the Eagle and Anchor part is only done for those that went into the Navy.

The Hammering Home Ceremony

As we walked to the caskets, we place our old Guardians armband on the casket.  

As we step to the Eagle and Anchors, we use our fist to hit each of the four nails once.  

We next step to the Cross, and hit each of the nails once, cross our heats and say a our special prayer. 

Then step forward to allow the next person to do so.