Short Stories from The Island

As I am sure you can imagine, in the process of writing these books, we spoke to a lot of different people involved in different aspects of this program. We have collected a number of the stories they told us about the Island here.  When the stories came from a Guardian, we included their book name.  A lot of this was origionally collected for a short stories book we were working on, but descided not to write. 

View from a Visitor

You are a Union Brother, so I will share this with you, just keep my name out of it. 

Back in the late 1990’s I worked as the head lighting tech for <show>.  We did a stint in Central and South America.  We had a week-long break, and I was invited to join the band and some of the producers on a boat trip to a legal brothel.  

The producers were really excited, this place had only been around a few years, but it was known for having high-quality young white prostitutes, and those were hard to come by down there. We rented a yacht and headed to the island brothel.  We landed at a dock and we were met by a woman.  She had this binder of girls to select from.  Must have been over 100 girls in that binder.  It was divided up by hair color, eye color and age.  They had prostitutes from 12 to 24 in that binder.  

On the last page was a menu of things we could do with or to the girls, and how many charms or beads each thing cost.  I remember that beads were $100 each and charms were $1,000 each.  We had to give the girls a bead or charms for different sexual acts.  Blow jobs and hand jobs cost 2 beads each.  Anal or vaginal sex was a charm.  Then you could get really freaky.   Whips, chains, choking, they had a price for everything.  For 10 charms, you could do whatever the fuck you want to them, and that’s what the producers did, 10 charms for each of the 9 girls for the night.  

The producers picked young girls, and even paid extra for a 15-year-old red-headed virgin that wasn’t yet broken in and would struggle.  For most of the night, we enjoyed the food and the girls’ company.  Then we retired to the bedrooms of the yacht.  The redhead fought the producer, but he dragged her in.  

For me, the sex was really good, she was so driven and so energetic, well, the sex was fantastic. In the morning, we all came out for breakfast.  The redhead had two black eyes and other marks all over her, but she was now very obedient with that leash around her neck.   

Not long before lunch, girls in these white uniforms came to collect the girls.  It was so odd, they didn’t walk, they marched as they left.  We then cruised back to the port where we rented the boat and continued our tour.