Letters From Home

Letters From Home - Book 1

Note: You can download a PDF of all of the letters from book 1 here.

For me, the most powerful part of writing these books was receiving the letters that appear in the Letters from Home chapter.  I know the same was true for Ericka. While we had to make minor edits to hide the Church and program and to use book names, we include those letters here for you, as well as personal notes about the letters that didn't quite fit in the book.  

The Letter from Jess

Of all of the letters I got in response to my book, this is the one that means the most to me.  I read this letter for the first time half an hour before Jess and I reconnected.  I don't cry often, but I did when I read this and I think I cried that whole first call.  It turns out that Jess and I were both living in the same State, just the next town over and only a few miles apart from each other.  At first, we reconnected over a Zoom chat, but once we knew how close we were, we went out for coffee and then the next morning we had Apple Pie for breakfast.  

For many months, we met twice a week and went to as many different places to get Apple Pie for breakfast as we could.  We still have breakfast togeather twice a week, but we eat a lot healthier now, though we still sometimes have Apple Pie for breakfast.

This is also the only letter we changed the book for.  The book origionally had a plea for Jess to reach out if she ever found this book.  That part got taken out of the book after we found her.

Not everyone we asked wrote a letter for me.  Uncle Matt, for example, read my book, but I could never get him to write a letter.  I think how it all ended was just too painful for him. While it's not in either book, Uncle Matt was engaged to an older Missionary, someone who sided with Ms. Rawlings.  When Matt left, she stayed, ending their engagement.  It really broke his heart, so I fully understand why he couldn't bring himself to write a letter.  His love for me and my kids over the years means far more than a letter.  

I also got letters I couldn't use.  Jenna's letter was so powerful that I really wish I could share it.  But most of it was about how the Island closed, and it couldn't be edited to hide the church, so I was forced to leave it out.  Maxine was going through a Manic episode when she wrote her letter.  While it gives some insight into her, ​you needed to have gotten to know her outside of a manic episode to get it. My co-author couldn’t even understand it, even when I tried to explaine it to him.  

All of the letters I received mean a lot to me.  In every letter, I got to see pieces of the puzzle that I didn't know and never would have known if I hadn't written this book.  I learned so much about myself writing this, but it's what I learned in these letters and the conversations that came after that have given more closure on this part of my life than anything else.  And for that, I am etearnally greatful.


Vanessa White

Now that you have read these lettters and my thoughts on them, I hope it gives you a little more insight into the fighting spirit of my Guardians, and what we tried to accomplish.  Just remember, it's not often that girls like us get to reinvent ourselves into the people we want to be.  But I think every girl (and boy) should have that opertunity in life.  

Ericka Brown